ID |
Q1151 | |
Q4338 |
2X4, New York |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4381 |
A Selby |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3272 |
A-FL |
Q4427 |
AND Publishing |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1935 |
Q1371 |
Aaliyah Haughton |
Q1158 |
Aare Pilv |
Q937 |
Aaron Juneau |
Q1898 |
Aaron Williamson |
Q4258 |
Adam Burton |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5801 |
Adam Ryder |
American artist
Q78 |
Adam Saad |
Q3455 |
Adele Jarrar |
Q1350 |
Adelita Hunsi-Bey |
Q986 |
Adrian Piper |
Q416 |
Adrian Vermeule |
American legal scholar
Q1899 |
Aggie Toppins |
Q5611 |
Agnieszka Czajkowska |
artist, photographer
Q1900 |
Agnieszka Skopinska |
Q972 |
Ahmed Mansoor |
Q4200 |
Aidan Andrew Dun |
contributor in the DAAP
Q964 |
Ainslie Roddick |
Q1901 |
Aislinn White |
Q1902 |
Alan Cusack |
Q1356 |
Alan Woo |
Q3627 |
Alasdair Duncan |
Q4190 |
Alastair Frazer |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3631 |
Alastair Mackinven |
Q5473 |
Alberta Whittle |
Q1903 |
Alberto Duman |
Q275 |
Alberto Zanetti |
Q1060 |
Alejandro Ospina |
A work by Alejandro Ospina, Mark Jackson, David Adlington, Linsday Friend
Q945 |
Alessandro Castiglioni |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1904 |
Alessandro Ludovico |
Q4366 |
Alessio Antoniolli |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4318 |
Aletta Heinsohn |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5270 |
Alex Blaby |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4286 |
Alex Bowen |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4115 |
Alex Frost |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1905 |
Alex Gifreu |
Q4333 |
Alex Hetherington |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1906 |
Alex Landrum |
Q328 |
Alex Parry |
Alexandra Parry
Q995 |
Alex Sainsbury |
Q1907 |
Alex Springer |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1908 |
Alex Zhou |
Q1909 |
Alexa Sidor |
Q1312 |
Alexa Wright |
Q4195 |
Alexander Bates |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4392 |
Alexander Provan |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3626 |
Alexandre Da Cunha |
Q1910 |
Alexis Milne |
Q1911 |
Alfonso Martins |
Q3472 |
Alice Brooke |
Q4280 |
Alice Channer |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1912 |
Alice Hattrick |
Q4508 |
Alice Litscher |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6008 |
Alice Maher |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5474 |
Alice Martin |
Q5718 |
Alice Musgrove |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q5475 |
Alicia Reyes McNamara |
Q1305 |
Alicja Klimczak-Dobrz |
Q3522 |
Alina Popa |
Q3310 |
Alina Vergnano |
artist and gallerist
Q4257 |
Alishan Shahibaug |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5365 |
Alison Ballance |
Q6051 |
Alison Gerber |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4315 |
Alison Jones |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3638 |
Alison Knowles |
American artist, born 1933
Q1914 |
Alison Turnbull |
Q414 |
Allan D. Cooper |
Political science professor
Q3393 |
Allison Dubinsky |
Q3567 |
Alva Gotby |
Q4259 |
Alwyn W. Turner |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1915 |
Alyson Hunter |
Q1916 |
Alyx Duncan |
Q1917 |
Amanda Beech |
Q1156 |
Amanda Welch |
Q5872 |
Amande In |
artist, curator
Q5430 |
Amanprit Sandhu |
Q111 |
Ami Clarke |
amiima333, Amiima333
artist; fundraiser, founder of, and arts programming at Banner Repeater
Q1918 |
Amy Botfield |
Q5502 |
Amy Budd |
Q4402 |
Amy McDonough |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5501 |
Amy Tobin |
editor, researcher, writer, curator
Q5955 |
Amy Wilson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4245 |
Ana Afonso |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5305 |
Ana Benlloch |
Q4386 |
Andrea Dettmar |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4180 |
Andrea Francke |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4121 |
Andrea Juno |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4493 |
Andrea Sayers |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1919 |
Andrea Viliani |
Q1920 |
Andrew Brash |
Q4399 |
Andrew Brighton |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2052 |
Andrew Clarkin |
Q1921 |
Andrew Dodds |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4160 |
Andrew Hunt |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1922 |
Andrew Wilson |
Q172 |
Andy Warhol |
A.Warhol, Andrew Warhol, Andrew Warhola, Drella, Warhol
Q3585 |
Angela Chan |
Researcher, writer and curator
Q1924 |
Angela Moore |
Q1157 |
Angelo Plantamora |
Q3380 |
Ania Molenda |
Q3657 |
Ann Noël |
Q1925 |
Anna Barham |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5961 |
Anna Crowell |
contributor in the DAAP
Q213 |
Anna Daneri |
Q5962 |
Anna Falcini |
contributor in the DAAP
Q941 |
Anna Mitus |
Q4320 |
Anna Preger |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5373 |
Anna Sadlon |
Q3223 |
Anna Thomas |
graphic designer
Q927 |
Annabel Frearson |
Q4183 |
Annabel Nicholson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1926 |
Anne Bean |
Q4208 |
Anne Hölck |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1927 |
Anne LeForet |
Q5504 |
Anne Lydiat |
Q6019 |
Anne-Marie Copestake |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5612 |
Anne-Valérie Gasc |
Anne-Valerie Gasc I Anne Valerie Gasc
artist, photographer
Q3639 |
Annea Lockwood |
Anna Lockwood
Q1928 |
Annet Decker |
Q6018 |
Annette Messager |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1929 |
Annette Schemmel |
Q1358 |
Annika Laas Toimetaja |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1930 |
Annnika Laas Toimetaja |
Q65 |
Anonymous |
anonymous contributor or creator of a work
Q1164 |
Anthony Elms |
Q1931 |
Anthony Gorman |
Q1932 |
Anthony Hudek |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1933 |
Anthony Iles |
Q5262 |
Anthony Martinez |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1934 |
Antoinette Hachler |
Q5261 |
Antonia Carver |
Q1328 |
Antonio Bertossi |
Q1160 |
Antonio Medina |
Q293 |
Antonio Rainone |
Q325 |
Antony Aziz |
Aziz + Cucher, Aziz, A
Q1364 |
Apexa Patel |
Q1936 |
Arabella Natalini |
Q258 |
Arcadia Missa |
Arcadia Missa Publishing
gallery and publisher
Q3610 |
Ard – Chuard & Nørregaard |
Chuard & Nørregaard, Guillaume Chuard and Daniel Kang Yoon Nørregaard, Studio Ard
Q1937 |
Ariella Yedgar |
Q1938 |
Arnaud Desjardin |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1001 |
Ash Altay |
Q3577 |
Ash Reid |
Q1939 |
Ashley Fernandez |
Q5806 |
Aspen Mays |
American artist
Q4480 |
Astrid Welter |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5755 |
Atelier Carvalho Bernau |
Design studio based in Porto
Q5953 |
Athena Tacha |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5811 |
Athena Torri |
Ecuadorian-Italian artist
Q6004 |
Audrey Greaves |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1940 |
Aune Ainson |
Q3568 |
Aurelia Guo |
Q5979 |
Aurelija Maknyte |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1941 |
Aurelio Cianciotta |
Q401 |
Aurora Gazm |
Q3589 |
British art collective
Q5867 |
Babak Afrassiabi |
artist, writer, filmmaker
Q1942 |
Babak Ghazi |
Q1944 |
Bad Butler |
Q3646 |
Barbara Benary |
Q6035 |
Barbara Ryan |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4441 |
Barbara Steiner |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1945 |
Barbara Steveni |
Q4385 |
Barry Patterson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1946 |
Bart Filipiak |
Q1947 |
Barthol Lo Mejor |
Q451 |
Basak Senova |
art curator
Q948 |
Beatie Fox |
Q3485 |
Beatrice Loft Schulz |
Q1949 |
Beatrix Ruf |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1950 |
Beatriz Olaberrieta |
Q423 |
Beau Geste Press |
Devon based publisher (1970-76)
Q5447 |
Bella Milroy |
Q1951 |
Ben Freeman |
Q1332 |
Ben Hillwood Harris |
Q1121 |
Ben Macintyre |
Q3361 |
Ben Malcolmson |
Artist in Belfast
Q3574 |
Ben Polhill |
Q3687 |
Ben Robinson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q960 |
Ben Schumacher |
Q3579 |
Ben Seymour |
Q1952 |
Ben Watson |
Q4244 |
Bendikt Bock |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1953 |
Benedetta Sabatini |
Q1097 |
Benedict Drew |
A publication to accompany Benedict Drew's exhibiton Zero Hour Petrified
Q4418 |
Benedict Drew |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1954 |
Benedict Seymour |
Q4178 |
Beni Bischof |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1955 |
Benjamin Alexander Huseby |
Q1956 |
Benjamin Boutin |
Q4473 |
Benjamin Thorel |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4210 |
Benoit Maire |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3497 |
Bernadette Corporation |
BC was founded in 1994 with the premise that a corporation was "the perfect alibi for not having to fix an identity." Techniques of Today - Bennett Simpson on Bernadette Corporation (Artforum, September 2004)
Q1957 |
Bernd Behr |
Q3643 |
Beth Anderon |
Q5628 |
Beth Bramich |
Beth Bramich, Beth Bramick, Beth Bramwich, Beth Bramwick
Q4453 |
Beth Collar |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6050 |
Beth Shaw |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5997 |
Betsy Davids |
contributor in the DAAP
Q222 |
Beverley Duckworth |
Q1958 |
Bianca Scliar Mancini |
Q4076 |
Bidoun |
publisher, educator, and curator
Q1315 |
Bill Horrigan |
Q177 |
Billy Name |
Billy Linich, William George Linich, William Linich
Q5610 |
Birta Gudjonsdottir |
artist, curator
Q1324 |
Bjørn Kowalski Hansen |
Q5790 |
Black Lodge Press |
Publisher based in London, UK
Q409 |
Black Panthers |
Black Panther Party
Black revolutionary socialist organization
Q3623 |
Bob Ajar |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1168 |
Bob Cobbing |
Q1959 |
Bob Cubbing |
Q4182 |
Bob London |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1027 |
Bob Parks |
Q1960 |
Boedi Widjaja |
Q1961 |
Bogna Swiatkowska |
Q917 |
Boo Wallin |
Q4234 |
Borbala Soos |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4342 |
Boyce |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4520 |
Brad Butler |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1962 |
Bram Stoker |
Q4063 |
Branden W. Joseph |
Q3392 |
Brent David Freaney |
Q4087 |
Brett Bloom |
Artist and publisher
Q3678 |
Brian Cheesewright |
Q214 |
Brian Roettinger |
Q1963 |
Bridget Crone |
Q1964 |
Bridget Penney |
Q5739 |
Brothers Quay |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q4113 |
Bruce McLean |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1965 |
Bruce Poncey |
Q209 |
Bruna Roccasalva |
Q5796 |
Bryan Graf |
American artist
Q4469 |
Bryony White |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4250 |
Bump |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1966 |
Bunny Rogers |
Q4177 |
C. L. Staunton |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3483 |
CUNTemporary |
Q1967 |
Caligula |
Q3447 |
Callum Copley |
researcher, writer, designer
Q1968 |
Cameron Leadbetter |
Q3253 |
Camilla Boemio |
writer, curator, consultant
Q285 |
Camilla Mello Teggia |
Q1969 |
Capucine Perrot |
Q93 |
Carl Andre |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5363 |
Carl Gent |
Q5609 |
Carla Cruz |
Carla Crus I Crus
artist, researcher, curator
Q4484 |
Carla Schollum |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1334 |
Carla Valdivia |
Q223 |
Carlos Alba |
Q230 |
Carlos Kong |
Q4295 |
Carlyle Reedy |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5976 |
Carol Flax |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3654 |
Carol Law |
Q1003 |
Carol Tulloch |
Q1288 |
Carole Kismaric |
Q3662 |
Carole Weber |
Q421 |
Carolee Schneemann |
American artist; (October 12, 1939 – March 6, 2019)
Q450 |
Caroline McCarthy |
Q4348 |
Caroline Woodley |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1970 |
Caryle Reedy |
Q3481 |
Caspar Heinemann |
Q4202 |
Catalin Gheorghe |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5407 |
Catalina Barroso-Luque |
Q1971 |
Caterina Riva |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1972 |
Catherine Long |
Q1973 |
Catherine Grady |
Q4343 |
Catherine Reuther |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5348 |
Catherine Smiles |
Q4415 |
Catherine Walsh |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4498 |
Catherine Weir |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6037 |
Catherine Yass |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4492 |
Catrin Jeans |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5428 |
Catriona Duffy |
Q1115 |
Cedar Lewisohn |
Q4143 |
Celer Tambre |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3602 |
Charles Asprey |
Q4505 |
Charles Danby |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1974 |
Charles Esche |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1327 |
Charles Gershwin |
Q4127 |
Charles Gute |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1975 |
Charles Harrison |
Q5803 |
Charlie Rubin |
American artist
Q234 |
Charlott Weise |
Q1976 |
Charlotte A Morgan |
Q6039 |
Charlotte Cullinan |
contributor in the DAAP
Q282 |
Charlotte Mello Teggia |
Q5830 |
Charlotte Procter |
Q3249 |
Chateau International |
Q3728 |
Chen Wei Lun |
printmaker from Taiwan
Q3716 |
Cheungin |
Artist/Author from Hong Kong. Instagram: @cheungin_
Q4323 |
Chiara Costa |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3668 |
Chris Fite-Wassilak |
Q1977 |
Chris Hammond |
Q4240 |
Chris Harris |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5736 |
Chris Hill |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q1978 |
Chris Kraus |
Q5535 |
Chris McCormack |
Writer and associate editor of Art Monthly
Q4288 |
Chris Sharp |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3580 |
Chris Timms |
Q1292 |
Chris Tosic |
Q1979 |
Chris Wilson |
Q1980 |
Chris Wraith |
Q5266 |
Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes |
Q1981 |
Christabel Stewart |
Q5957 |
Christian Boltanski |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4375 |
Christian Bredl |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3609 |
Christian Flamm |
Q1982 |
Christian Küsters |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4185 |
Christian Marazzi |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1983 |
Christian Schneegass |
Q1984 |
Christina Chalmers |
Q3653 |
Christina Kubisch |
Q5800 |
Christina Labey |
American artist, editor, and graphic designer
Q6054 |
Christine Kermaire |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1985 |
Christoph Feist |
Q1987 |
Christoph Ruckhaeberle |
Q1986 |
Christoph Ruckhäberle |
Q5732 |
Christopher Jostiffe |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q4216 |
Christopher Kulendran Thomas |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4370 |
Christopher Lumgair |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4506 |
Christopher Owen |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4176 |
Christopher Rawcliffe |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3708 |
Christy Leung |
Hong Kong photographer
Q4395 |
Chritesl Desjardin |
contributor in the DAAP
Q332 |
Cicilia Östholm |
Cecilia Oestholm, Cecilia Östholm, Cicilia Oestholm
Artist, Researcher
Q1989 |
Cirlce & Square |
Q1990 |
Claas Gutsche |
Q1991 |
Claire Boyd |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1992 |
Claire Louise Stauton |
Q4273 |
Claire Nichols |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3718 |
Clare Kelly |
Q6049 |
Clare Rojas |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6046 |
Clare Strand |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3438 |
Claude D’Avoine |
Q3295 |
Claudette Johnson |
Visual Artist
Q6047 |
Claudia Reyes |
contributor in the DAAP
Q429 |
Clayton Eshleman |
American poet
Q1993 |
Clive Philpott |
Q4199 |
Clo'e Floirat |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1391 |
Clunie Reid |
Artist book by Clunie Reid
Q3634 |
Clunie Reid |
Q4396 |
Clunie Reid |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3555 |
Clémence de la Tour du Pin |
Q3179 |
Cocky Eek |
Q5783 |
Cody Choi |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q4159 |
Colby Chamberlain |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1994 |
Colin Gardner |
Q1995 |
Colin Martin |
Q3298 |
Collective Creativity |
Arts Collective
Q1018 |
Colter Jacobsen |
Q1996 |
Come Ciment |
Q4501 |
Connor Clark |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1150 |
Constant Dullaart |
Dutch new media artist, born 1979
Q1337 |
Cordelia Marten |
Q1998 |
Cordelia Martin |
Q4465 |
Coredlia Marten |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3676 |
Cos Ahmet |
Q1999 |
Cosey Fanni Tutti |
Q2000 |
Craig Atkinson |
Q2001 |
Craig Cooper |
Q3379 |
Cristina Ampatzidou |
Q2003 |
Cristina Leoncini |
Q1139 |
Critical Writing in Art |
Q1145 |
Cylenia Simonds |
Q2004 |
Daeun Jeong |
Q1335 |
Daisy Cooper |
Q3553 |
Daisy Lafarge |
Q2005 |
Damon Waldock |
Q5807 |
Dan Boardman |
American artist
Q2006 |
Dan Fox |
Q989 |
Dan Kidner |
Q4296 |
Dan Smith |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3595 |
Dan Solbach |
Q4224 |
Daniel Canty |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2007 |
Daniel Munn |
Q3573 |
Daniel Neofetou |
Q5644 |
Daniel Rey |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q5731 |
Daniel Wilson |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q5970 |
Daniella Clayton |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5375 |
Daniella Valz Gen |
an artist and writer born in Lima and based in London
Q4107 |
Danielle Arnaud |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5753 |
Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley |
Artist based in London
Q4476 |
Danielle Tay |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1021 |
Daniel James Wilkinson |
Q3569 |
Danny Hayward |
Q334 |
Dante Carlos |
Graphic designer
Q2008 |
Dany Abeel |
Q2009 |
Dario Zannier |
Q5368 |
Darkie Fiction |
Q4426 |
Dave Hickey |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4169 |
Dave Smith |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1317 |
David Adlington |
Q980 |
David Antin |
Q1415 |
David Batchelor |
Photobook by David Batchelor
Q2010 |
David Berridge |
Q4390 |
David Burroughs |
contributor in the DAAP
Q458 |
David Burrows |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2011 |
David Faithfull |
Q2012 |
David Garcia |
Q4346 |
David Gothard |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3701 |
David Horvitz |
Q4274 |
David Keshavjee |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1298 |
David Konopka |
Q2013 |
David Mabb |
Q981 |
David Morris |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1309 |
David Musgrave |
Q2014 |
David Noonan |
Q4147 |
David Osbaldeston |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4352 |
David Rawlins |
contributor in the DAAP
Q974 |
David Rudnick |
Q936 |
David Rule |
Q1304 |
David Sauerlander |
Q220 |
David Torrone |
Q4112 |
David Troostwyck |
contributor in the DAAP
Q459 |
Dean Kenning |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1299 |
Dean Langley |
Q1362 |
Deanna Wong |
Q2015 |
Deepika Patel |
Q4231 |
Delia Baillie |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1313 |
Dennis Mariner |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1017 |
Denton Welch |
Q5634 |
Derek Jarman |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q5630 |
Design Print Bind |
Design Print Binds, Designer Print Bind, Designs Prints Binds
Design team Flaminia Rossi and Sam Whetton
Q2016 |
Deyan Sudjic |
Q2017 |
Di Tate |
Q991 |
Diana Rodriguez |
Q437 |
Dick Higgins |
American artist and founder of Something Else Press
Q2018 |
Dieter Appelt |
Q1316 |
Dieter Roelstraete |
Q2019 |
Domenic Dowbekin |
Q141 |
Domestic Fine Arts |
Q4077 |
Dominica |
Dominica Publishing-Dominca LA
imprint dedicated to exploring blackness as a topic, reference, marker, and audience in visual culture.
Q2020 |
Don Mason |
Q2021 |
Donald Smith |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4310 |
Donald Urquhart |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5724 |
Donna Marcus Duke |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q2022 |
Dora García |
Q5862 |
Doris Guth |
art historian
Q2023 |
Doro Globus |
Q2024 |
Dorris Cypis |
Q306 |
Doug Ashford |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6014 |
Douglas Gordon |
contributor in the DAAP
Q94 |
Douglas Huebler |
Q4097 |
Douglas Park |
Visual artist, writer, curator
Q465 |
Dr Haideh Daragahi |
She was a professor of English Literature at Tehran University when Khomeini took power. She has lived in Sweden since 1984 and worked as an academic, women's rights activist and journalist.
Q443 |
Dr Neil Chapman |
artist, writer and researcher
Q452 |
Dr Tamarin Norwood |
artist, writer and researcher
Q4483 |
Dr. Harriet Jump |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4482 |
Dr. Jane Baldwin (Motley Couture) |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5418 |
Dr. Otoman Zar-Adusht Ha'nish |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q4326 |
Dr. Tim Bollinger |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3552 |
Drew Hoad |
Q4173 |
Duncan White |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2025 |
Dust |
Q218 |
Dustin Cosentino |
Q4230 |
Dylan Drummond |
contributor in the DAAP
Q408 |
Dylan Rodriguez |
Professor of Ethnic Studies
Q3364 |
Dónal Talbot |
Artist in Waterford, Ireland
Q5728 |
E. H. Wormwood |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q3288 |
Q5991 |
Echolalia |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1009 |
Ed Atkins |
Q5722 |
Ed Burrel |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q3630 |
Ed Jones |
Q2026 |
Eddy Bettens |
Q2027 |
Edgar Heap of Birds |
Q3540 |
Edible Archives |
Q2028 |
Eduardo Salles |
Q5877 |
Eduardo Thomas |
artist, film curator
Q5870 |
Edward |
Q5809 |
Edward Morris |
American artist
Q4335 |
Edward Shallow |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2029 |
Edward Steer |
Q2030 |
Edward Woodman |
Q1280 |
Edwin Brock |
Q6007 |
Eha Komissarov |
contributor in the DAAP
Q959 |
Eileen Daly |
Q2031 |
Eileen Myles |
Q4150 |
Elaine Sturtevant |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3661 |
Elaine Summers |
Q5852 |
Elaine W. Ho |
Elaine Wing-ah Ho
Q2032 |
Eleanor Vonne Brown |
Q241 |
Elena Mora |
graphic designer
Q2033 |
Elena Poughia |
Q2034 |
Elena Volpato |
Q404 |
Eleni Papazoglou |
Q197 |
Eli |
Q1354 |
Elichi Hosokawa |
Q1118 |
Eline McGeorge |
Q4437 |
Elisa Kay |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4413 |
Elizabeth Bursis |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4328 |
Elizabeth Glazebrook |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2035 |
Elizabeth Price |
Q5900 |
Elizabeth Stanton |
contributor to the DAAP
Q6027 |
Elke Krystufek |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6020 |
Ella Bisset Johnson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5257 |
Ellef Prestsæter |
contributor to the DAAP
Q3480 |
Ellen Feiss |
Q6009 |
Ellen Gallagher |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5981 |
Ellen Lanyon |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5577 |
Elsa Richardson |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q6045 |
Emi Fontana |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2036 |
Emilia Bulman |
Q2037 |
Emilia Ligniti |
Q2038 |
Emiliano Battista |
Q4212 |
Emilie Atkinson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4209 |
Emily Beber |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1275 |
Emily Pethick |
Q1290 |
Emily Wakeling |
Q4207 |
Emily Wardill |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2039 |
Emma Cocker |
Q4412 |
Emma Dexter |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1123 |
Emma Hart |
Q3622 |
Emma Holmes |
Q4153 |
Emma Leach |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2040 |
Emma Peascod |
Q5272 |
Emma Prato |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5676 |
Emma Summerton |
Q977 |
Emmanuel Rudnick |
Q5792 |
Emmanuelle Waeckerlé |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q2041 |
Enda Deburka |
Q415 |
Eric A. Posner |
Eric Posner
American legal scholar
Q1442 |
Eric Alliez |
a work by Eric Alliez, Katrin Sauerlander, Cordelia Marten, Guillaume Collett
Q2042 |
Eric C. Shiner |
Q4254 |
Eric Mottram |
contributor in the DAAP
Q76 |
Eric Pussyboy |
Q1291 |
Erica Foden-Lenahan |
Q156 |
Erica Scourti |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2043 |
Erica Smith |
Q3314 |
Erik Berglin |
Q418 |
Erik K. Yamamoto |
Professor of law and social justice
Q4110 |
Erkki Luuk |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4394 |
Esme Desjardin |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4297 |
Ester Leslie |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1117 |
Esther Leslie |
Q4420 |
Esther Leslie |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4211 |
Etel Adnan |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4361 |
Etienne Chambaud |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2044 |
Eugenia Bell |
Q2045 |
Eugenio Battaglia |
Q4291 |
Eva Charlton |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4130 |
Eva Pelaez |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2046 |
Eva Weinmayr |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3672 |
Evan Calder Williams |
Q73 |
Evan Ifekoya |
Q5638 |
Evelyn Wh-ell |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q4349 |
Evgeny Lebedev |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4378 |
Evil Knievel |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4535 |
Ewa Rymut |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2048 |
Ewelina Bartosik |
Q4229 |
Eykah Badu |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5307 |
FC Izaac |
Q4363 |
Fabien Giraud |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2049 |
Fabio Lattanzi Antinori |
Q4175 |
Fabiola Iza |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3460 |
Fakhry Al-Serdawi |
Q4472 |
Falke Pisano |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6003 |
Famuki Bando |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4448 |
Fatos Ustek |
contributor in the DAAP
Q239 |
Fausto Giliberti |
graphic designer
Q5881 |
Felicity Allen |
Flick Allen
artist (+writer+educator)
Q438 |
Felipe Ehrenberg |
Mexican artist and founder of Beau Geste Press
Q2050 |
Felipe Mujica |
Q2051 |
Felix L. Petty |
Q5277 |
Femke Snelting |
contributor in the DAAP
Q362 |
Fiona Banner aka The Vanity Press |
F. Banner, The Vanity Press
Q4268 |
Fiona Keating |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2053 |
Fiona McGovern |
Q4204 |
Fiona Tan |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5331 |
Flo Ray |
Artist in the DAAP
Q4283 |
Florian Cramer |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2054 |
Florian Roithmayr |
Q3523 |
Florin Flueraş |
Q4478 |
Fondazione Prada |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2055 |
FormContent |
Q5476 |
Fran Cottell |
Q2056 |
Francesc Ruiz |
Q4163 |
Francesco Sebregondi |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1459 |
Francesco Barocco |
Press release produced in conjunction with the exhibition of Francesco Barocco's work at Laura Bartlett's Gallery, London 10/4/2010 - 22/5/2010.
Q2057 |
Francesco Pedraglio |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2058 |
Francesco Scasciamacchia |
Q244 |
Francesco Valtolina |
graphic designer
Q966 |
Francis McKee |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3342 |
Francis Whorrall-Campbell |
Artist, Researcher, and Writer
Q3461 |
Francisca Khamis |
Q4344 |
Francisco de Oliveira Mattos |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1161 |
Franco 'Bifo' Berardi |
Q2059 |
Francois Lager |
Q4357 |
Francois Peraldi |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4302 |
Frank Berger |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2060 |
Frank Sidebottom |
Q5376 |
Frank Wasser |
Q4270 |
Franklin Vandiver |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1167 |
Franz Kafka |
Q4377 |
Franz Liebl |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3652 |
Françoise Janicot |
Q2061 |
Fraser Muggeridge Studio |
Q3618 |
Gabo Guzzo |
Q2062 |
Gabriel Humberstone |
Q4459 |
Gabriele Götz |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3254 |
Gabriele Mizzoni |
graphic designer
Q240 |
Gabriella Hirst |
Q2063 |
Gabrielle Le Grazie |
Q4109 |
Gail Pickering |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6011 |
Gail Rebhan |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3593 |
Gallien Déjean |
Q1285 |
Gardar Eide Einarsson |
Q1024 |
Gareth Bell-Jones |
Q2064 |
Gareth McConnell |
Q2065 |
Garry Sykes |
Q4206 |
Gary Stevens |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2066 |
Gary Woodley |
Q999 |
Gavin Everall |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2067 |
Gavin Wade |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2068 |
Geirthrudur Finnbogadottir Hjorvar |
Q5301 |
Gem Milsom |
Tom Milsom
an artist and musician
Q2069 |
Gemma Curtin |
Q2070 |
Gemma Lloyd |
Q919 |
Gemma Sharpe |
Q5278 |
Genevieve Costello |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4161 |
Gennadi S. Klein |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2071 |
Geoffrey Farmer |
Q988 |
George Clark |
Q4098 |
George Haughton |
Graphic designer
Q2072 |
George Henry Longly |
Q4449 |
George Wade |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5267 |
Georgie Sinclair |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q4213 |
Germano Celant |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1320 |
Gerrie van Noord |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4154 |
Gertrude Stein |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6015 |
Gilbert & George |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4214 |
Gilles Dauve |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1142 |
Gilliam Varley |
Q3606 |
Gina Buenfeld |
Q5960 |
Gina Pane |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2073 |
Ginny Cook |
Q2074 |
Gino Saccone |
Q1353 |
Giulia Garbin |
Q289 |
Giulia Pasqualetti |
Q3473 |
Giulia Smith |
Q947 |
Glen Onwin |
Q2075 |
Glen Tarman |
Q4510 |
Glenn Philips |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5726 |
Gloria |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q4389 |
Gloria Bassoli |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3565 |
Gloria Dawson |
Q2076 |
Google Translate |
Q2077 |
Grace Acton Roberts |
Q6366 |
Grace Ndiritu |
Q4367 |
Graham Dawes |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1116 |
Graham Thornicroft |
Q2078 |
Grant Watson |
Q1004 |
Graphicsi |
Q2079 |
Gregg Bordowitz |
Q309 |
Group Material |
Q5252 |
Grégoire Kocjan |
Grégoire Kocjan author
contributor in the DAAP
Q2080 |
Guillaume Collett |
Q2081 |
Gustav Milne |
Q1330 |
Gustavo Grandal |
Q5282 |
Guttorm Guttormsgaard |
contributor to item in the DAAP
Q2082 |
Guy Benfield |
Q1135 |
Guy Brett |
Q1311 |
Guy Gormley |
Q1478 |
Gyorgy Lukacs |
These notebooks express director Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev’s curatorial vision for Documenta 13.
Q4384 |
H Dunnell |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2083 |
Q2084 |
Hailey Newman |
Q3465 |
Hala Namer |
Q5370 |
Halima Haruna |
Q4376 |
Halldor Bjorn Runolfsson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3437 |
Hamishi Farah |
Q3428 |
Hamja Ahsan |
artist, curator and activist based in London
Q5477 |
Hana Janečková |
Hana Janeckova
Q1155 |
Hanna Hanra |
Q3707 |
Hannah Baer |
American writer
Q2085 |
Hannah Black |
artist and writer
Q6001 |
Hannah Collins |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5414 |
Hannah Firth |
A director / curator at Chapter Arts Centre
Q4428 |
Hannah James |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5478 |
Hannah Leighton-Boyce |
Hannah Leighton Boyce
Q2086 |
Hannah Newell |
Q961 |
Hannah Nurali |
Q5786 |
Hannah Quinlan & Rosie Hastings |
Contributors in the DAAP
Q4126 |
Hannah Sawtell |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3578 |
Hannah Schling |
Q2087 |
Hanne Mugaas |
Q1011 |
Hans Ulrich Obrist |
Q356 |
Harald Szeemann |
Q310 |
Hardworking, Goodlooking |
Graphic design and publishing collective
Q2088 |
Harri Koskinen |
Q242 |
Harriet Middleton-Baker |
Q939 |
Harriet Mitchell |
Q942 |
Harry Blackett |
Q2089 |
Harry Burke |
Q5369 |
Harry Josephine Giles |
Q4430 |
Harry Pye |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2090 |
Harry West |
Q3209 |
Harun Morrison |
Artist and Writer. Trustee of Black Cultural Archive.
Q3358 |
Harvey Dimond |
British-Barbadian writer
Q1025 |
Hato Press |
Q5993 |
Hayley Blatte |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2091 |
Hayley Newman |
Q2092 |
Heather Morison |
Q4241 |
Heidi Kawai Smith |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3651 |
Heidi Von Gunden |
Q3267 |
Heimo Zobernig |
Q3399 |
Heleen Schröder |
Q2093 |
Helen Couchman |
Q5497 |
Helen Douglas |
Q2094 |
Helen Kaplinsky |
Q4468 |
Helen Keller |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5424 |
Helen Marten |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q6025 |
Helen Mirra |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2095 |
Helen Savage |
Q2096 |
Helen Stratford |
Q2097 |
Helios Capdevila |
Q1339 |
Henri Gaudier-Brzeska |
Q2098 |
Henri Lefebvre |
Q6041 |
Henriette Heise |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3308 |
Henrik Bromander |
author, playwright and artist
Q1321 |
Henry Graham |
Q1153 |
Herman Melville |
Q4362 |
Hernán Díaz |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3458 |
Hiba Isleem |
Q1141 |
Hideki Nakazawa |
Q3453 |
Hilda Moucharrafieh |
Q5374 |
Himali Singh Soin |
Q4422 |
Hiromi Nakajima |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5479 |
Holly Graham |
Q5386 |
Holly Pester |
Writer, Poet, Author, Editor, Academic
Q5779 |
Holly Pester |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q2101 |
Holly Roberts |
Q3671 |
Holly Stevenson |
Q2102 |
Holly White |
Q1143 |
Holly Willats |
Q2103 |
Homer Sykes |
Q1169 |
Howard Tangye |
Q4239 |
Hu-lia |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2104 |
Huw Lemmey |
Q2105 |
Hyunjee Nicole Kim |
Q2106 |
Q978 |
ICA staff |
Q4155 |
Iain Sinclair |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1131 |
Ian Bloom |
Q4174 |
Ian Borris |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4341 |
Ian Bourn |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2107 |
Ian Breakwell |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1140 |
Ian Dorris |
Q4414 |
Ian Hamilton Finlay |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2108 |
Ian Hargreaves |
Q1344 |
Ian Hunt |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1503 |
Ian McKeever |
Published to accompany Ian McKeever’s exhibition The Marianne North Paintings at Matt’s Gallery, London, 20 October - 10 December in 1995
Q2109 |
Ian Midi |
Q2110 |
Ian Morris |
Q1147 |
Ian Norris |
Q4317 |
Ian White |
contributor in the DAAP
Q184 |
Ian Whittlesea |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1132 |
Ian Zuid |
Q6053 |
Ilana Helperin |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5754 |
Ima-Abasi Okon |
Q5405 |
Imani Robinson |
Q4186 |
Imogen Stidworthy |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3404 |
In the shade of a tree |
Graphic design studio based in London and Paris, founded by Sophie Demay and Maël Fournier-Comte
Q2111 |
Indre Klimaite |
Q2112 |
Industrial Facility |
Q52 |
Information as Material |
Q2113 |
Inge Ketelers |
Q5273 |
Institute for Computational Vandalism |
contributor to item in the DAAP
Q3400 |
Inte Gloerich |
Q4078 |
Inventory Press |
Q3641 |
Irene Revell |
Q4198 |
Isaac Olvera |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2114 |
Isabella L. Bird |
Q5441 |
Isabelle Sully |
Q3581 |
Ishbel Tunnadine |
Q949 |
Isla Forsyth |
Q4220 |
Isobel Harbison |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4308 |
Ivan Mecl |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2115 |
Ivan Morison |
Q4400 |
Iwona Blazwick |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2116 |
Izabela Jasinska |
Q160 |
J. A. Harrington |
Q417 |
J. Angelo Corlett |
Philosophy professor
Q2117 |
J. G. Ballard |
Q5982 |
J. Maizlish |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1373 |
Jaak Tomberg |
Q4125 |
Jaak Tomberg |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3528 |
Jaako Pallasvuo |
Q3550 |
Jack Elliot Cardno |
Q970 |
Jack Wolf |
Q3645 |
Jacki Apple |
Q2118 |
Jackie Ford |
Q2119 |
Jackson Lam |
Q1122 |
Jacob Cartwright |
Q1307 |
Jacob Epstein |
Q274 |
Jacopo Emiliani |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6033 |
Jacqueline Donachie |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3547 |
Jade Montserrat |
Q2120 |
Jaime San Roman |
Q4371 |
Jake Evans |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5765 |
Jake Kent |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q2121 |
James A. Holliday |
Q53 |
James Brook |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2122 |
James Ferris |
Q2123 |
James Hedges |
Q3640 |
James Hoff |
Q4249 |
James L. McGuire |
contributor in the DAAP
Q983 |
James Langdon |
Q1295 |
James Leach |
Q1300 |
James Lightfoot |
Q2124 |
James Pyman |
Q990 |
James Richards |
Q1363 |
James Stern |
Q4281 |
James Whittingham |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2125 |
Jamie Atherton |
Q1128 |
Jamie George |
Q965 |
Jamie Kenyon |
Q1138 |
Jamie Sutcliffe |
Q3459 |
Jamila Ewais |
Q2126 |
Jan Debbaut |
Q2127 |
Jan Rogalo |
Q4119 |
Jana Leo |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1016 |
Jane Bowles |
Q2128 |
Jane Phillips |
Q4466 |
Jane Rollo |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1000 |
Jane Rolo |
Q2129 |
Jane Wells |
Q2130 |
Jane Wodening |
Q4325 |
Jane Won |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2131 |
Jarett Kobek |
Q2132 |
Jaroslaw Kozlowski |
Q934 |
Jasiek Mischke |
Q5427 |
Jasleen Kaur |
Q2133 |
Jasmina Pitt |
Q5525 |
Jasmine Brady |
Q4290 |
Jason Fulford |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4228 |
Jason Nelson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2134 |
Jason Skeet |
Q3339 |
Jason Waite |
Editor of Don't Follow the Wind
Q4354 |
Jaspar Joseph-Lester |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2135 |
Jasper Spicero |
Q70 |
Jay Bernard |
Q2136 |
Jean Fisher |
Q4447 |
Jean Matthee |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4272 |
Jean-Christophe Rey |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4518 |
Jean-Luc Ingold |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1273 |
Jeanne Randolph |
Q2137 |
Jeffrey Charles Henry Peacock |
Q2138 |
Jen Calleja |
Q6021 |
Jeni Couzyn |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3509 |
Jenna Sutela |
Q1125 |
Jennet Thomas |
Q6006 |
Jenni Lukac |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2139 |
Jennifer Bailey |
Q139 |
Jennifer Hooper |
Q4439 |
Jennifer Mojica |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4511 |
Jennifer Park |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3679 |
Jenny Core |
Q6042 |
Jenny Watson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4164 |
Jens Hoffman |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4151 |
Jens Kabisch |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2140 |
Jens Schubert |
Q956 |
Jeremy Akerman |
Q4184 |
Jeremy Glogan |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5836 |
Jeremy Haik |
Jeremy August Haik
American artist and writer
Q5735 |
Jeremy Harte |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q4168 |
Jeremy Millar |
contributor in the DAAP
Q940 |
Jeremy Miller |
Q2141 |
Jerlyn Marie Jareunpoon |
Q243 |
Jessa Mockridge |
Q1149 |
Jesse Darling |
contributor in the DAAP
Q987 |
Jessica Rose |
Q4123 |
Jessica Wiesner |
contributor in the DAAP
Q955 |
Jessie Flood-Paddock |
Q211 |
Jessie Makinson |
Q5306 |
Jet Sweeney |
Q5876 |
Jetske de Boer |
Q4266 |
Jim Lambie |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2142 |
Jimmie Durham |
Q5480 |
Jin Han Lee |
Q2143 |
Jo Clarke |
Q3336 |
Jo David |
Q3235 |
Jo Melvin |
Q5967 |
Jo Roberts |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5999 |
Joan Lyons |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5250 |
Joana Chicau |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2144 |
Joanna Loveday |
Q5680 |
Joanna Pocock |
Q4131 |
Joe Banks |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2145 |
Joe Hales |
Q2146 |
Joe Queenan |
Q5310 |
Joel Plowright |
Q953 |
Joerg Hartmannsguber |
Q5372 |
Johanna Maj Schmidt |
Q2147 |
John Aaron Rosen |
Q4235 |
John Adams |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4497 |
John Alan Birch |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2148 |
John Barry |
Q4267 |
John Beck |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2149 |
John Burgess |
Q1357 |
John Cass |
Q3625 |
John Chilver |
Q3334 |
John Cussans |
Artist and writer
Q3239 |
John Douglas Millar |
Q2150 |
John Eden |
Q4423 |
John Harrington |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1133 |
John Heartfield |
Q3669 |
John Hill |
Q2151 |
John Holton |
Q2152 |
John Howard |
Q4179 |
John Hutnyk |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1530 |
John Latham |
Accompanying a solo exhibition by John Latham at Karsten Schubert, London,
Q2153 |
John Lennon |
Q2154 |
John M Bennnett |
Q2155 |
John Moore |
Q1019 |
John Morgan |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2156 |
John Moseley |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4162 |
John Mullarkey |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2157 |
John Riddy |
Q1365 |
John Roberts |
Q2158 |
John Russell |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2159 |
John Sharkey |
Q1531 |
John Smith |
Publication about John Smith's work and exhibition
Q2160 |
John Stezaker |
Q101 |
John W. Wendler |
Jack Wendler, John Wendler
contributor in the DAAP
Q4135 |
John Waters |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2161 |
John Wells |
Q2162 |
Johnathan Barnbrook |
Q227 |
Johnathon Tomlinson |
Q4255 |
Johnny Herbert |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2163 |
Jojo Taylor |
Q5994 |
Jolanta Marcolla |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6023 |
Jon Biddulph |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2164 |
Jonas Berthod |
Q6016 |
Jonas Mekas |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4322 |
Jonas Williamsson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1020 |
Jonathan Baldcock |
Q2165 |
Jonathan Griffin |
Q2167 |
Jonathan Meese |
Q2168 |
Jonathan Miles |
Q2169 |
Jonathan P. Watts |
Q4307 |
Jonathan P. Watts |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2170 |
Jonathan Ree |
Q938 |
Jonathan Watts |
Q5911 |
Joni Zhu |
Joni Zhu is curator who works at the intersection of contemporary art, critical theory, cultural analysis.
Q5772 |
Jonny Banger |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q4494 |
Jonny Reding |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4233 |
Jordan Kaplan |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1129 |
Jordan McKenzie |
Q4129 |
Joscha Bruckert |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2171 |
Joseph Conrad |
Q6013 |
Joseph Grigely |
contributor in the DAAP
Q96 |
Joseph Kosuth |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4192 |
Joseph Nechvatal |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2172 |
Joseph Noonan-Ganley |
Q2173 |
Josephine Berry Slater |
Q4460 |
Josephine Meckseper |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3222 |
Josephine Simone |
Q3467 |
Josh Daniels |
Q6392 |
Josh Philpott |
Joshua Philpott, JP
Q973 |
Joshua Leary |
Q5481 |
Josie Cockram |
Q2174 |
Josie Faure Walker |
Q2175 |
Josie Rae Turnbull |
Q3462 |
Joud Toamah |
Q5410 |
Joviale Tshabola |
Jovi Tschabola
A Modern Languages student from North London
Q5804 |
Joy Drury Cox |
American artist
Q4524 |
Judith Rosenthal |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5988 |
Julia Calver |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1010 |
Julia Peyton-Jones |
Q4243 |
Julia Typeset |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5896 |
Julia Wieger |
artist, architect, curator
Q3575 |
Julian Pritchard |
Q308 |
Julie Ault |
Q5968 |
Julie Calver |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6010 |
Julie Voyce |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3663 |
Julie Winter |
Q2176 |
Julien Bismuth |
Q4397 |
Julien Tavelli |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3355 |
Juliet Jacques |
British author
Q5255 |
Juliette Lizotte |
Juliette Lizotte | jujulove
Contributor in the DAAP
Q2177 |
June Yap |
Q931 |
Justyna Sheuring |
Q2178 |
Kaarel Kurismaa |
Q2179 |
Kai von Rabenau |
Q5431 |
Kaite Welsh |
Q4451 |
Kala Newman |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3302 |
Kalle Sanner |
photographer and artist
Q364 |
Kandis Williams |
American artist
Q2180 |
Kangding Ray |
Q2181 |
Karen Archey |
Q2182 |
Karen Di Franco |
contributor in the DAAP
Q212 |
Karen Marta |
Q2183 |
Karen Mirza |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5729 |
Karen Russo |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q5259 |
Karin Nygård |
contributor to item in the DAAP
Q5969 |
Karin Trenkel |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5298 |
Karin de Jong |
Director of PrintRoom
Q2184 |
Karl Holmqvist |
Q4364 |
Karl Holmqvist |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3303 |
Karl Palmås |
Q2185 |
Karla Black |
Q2186 |
Karol Radziszewski |
Q3501 |
Karoline Lange |
Q2187 |
Kasia Gumpert |
Q4223 |
Kaspar Jassa |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2188 |
Kaspar Pincis |
Q1535 |
Katarina Zdjelar |
Guide was issued to the solo exhibition Katarina Zdjelar - Parapoetics from 3 December 2009 - 7 February 2010 in TENT.Rotterdam
Q2189 |
Katarzyna Roj |
Q4203 |
Kate Cooper |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4416 |
Kate Hall |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3363 |
Kate McElroy |
Artist in Cork, Ireland
Q5776 |
Kate Morrell |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q1536 |
Kate Smith |
First survey of the work of Kate Smith
Q2190 |
Kate Stancliffe |
Q2191 |
Katerina Gregos |
Q5508 |
Katharine Meynell |
Q112 |
Katherine Hayles |
N. Katherine Hayles
Q2192 |
Katherine Mansfield |
Q1165 |
Kathy Acker |
Q1022 |
Kathy Noble |
Q3387 |
Kati Ilves |
Q2193 |
Katie Guggenheim |
Q5989 |
Katie Holten |
contributor in the DAAP
Q954 |
Katie Lloyd |
Q3686 |
Katie Morrison |
Q5482 |
Katie Schwab |
Q4252 |
Katinka Bock |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3385 |
Katja Novitskova |
Q311 |
Katrin Sauerlander |
contributor in the DAAP
Q323 |
Katrina Palmer |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5483 |
Katriona Beales |
Q226 |
Katy Conner |
Q2194 |
Kay Rosen |
Q4158 |
Keh Ng |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3296 |
Keith Piper |
Visual Artist
Q4188 |
Keith Wilson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5484 |
Kelly Best |
Q1537 |
Kelly Jazvac |
A work by Kelly Jazvac, Josie Faure Walker, Peter Abrahams, Rebecca Wood, Jonathan Griffin
Q5985 |
Kelsey Osborn |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5268 |
Kemistry Design |
Q1538 |
Ken Cox |
A work by William Allen, Ken Cox
Q5737 |
Ken Hollings |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q2195 |
Ken Kirton |
Q6040 |
Ken Lum |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4304 |
Ken Wahl |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2196 |
Kenneth Baker |
Q2197 |
Kentaro Yamada |
Q5725 |
Kerith Manderson-Galvin |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q2198 |
Kerstin Stakemeier |
Q4294 |
Kes Richardson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3628 |
Kevin Hutcheson |
Q2199 |
Kevin Smith |
Q3688 |
Kier Cooke Sandvik |
Q2200 |
Kiki Mazzucchelli |
Q2201 |
Kiki Mazzuchelli |
Q2202 |
Kim Dhillon |
Q2203 |
Kim Gordon |
Q2204 |
Kim Schoen |
Q5260 |
Kimberley Cosmilla |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q4089 |
Kione Kochi |
Q5485 |
Kira Freije |
Q4495 |
Kirsty Buchanan |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4142 |
Kit Hammonds |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4167 |
Kit Poulson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3362 |
Kitsch Doom |
Artist in Dublin
Q2205 |
Kitty Anderson |
Q1302 |
Kiwa Kujundaja |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6367 |
Kojo Abudu |
Critic, curator and researcher
Q2206 |
Koos Dalstra |
Q1370 |
Kraig Binkowski |
Q436 |
Kris Hemensley |
Australian poet
Q329 |
Kristian Henson |
Graphic designer
Q4090 |
Kristian Johansson |
Q5762 |
Kristin Metho |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q4334 |
Kristina Johansen |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3723 |
Krystie Ng |
researcher and curator from Malaysia
Q2207 |
Krysztof Eberle |
Q2208 |
Krysztof Pacholak |
Q2209 |
Krzysztof Gutfranski |
Q5720 |
Lagnajita Mukhopadhyay |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q2210 |
Lam Yuen Ying |
Q3479 |
Larne Abse Gogarty |
Q992 |
Lars Bang Larsen |
Q2211 |
Laura Bartlett |
Q2212 |
Laura Braun |
Q4425 |
Laura Schwartz |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2213 |
Laura Traversi |
Q4429 |
Laure Mansfield |
contributor in the DAAP
Q935 |
Laure Prouvost |
Q3582 |
Laurel Uziell |
Q3682 |
Lauren Gault |
Q4118 |
Laurence Lek |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1296 |
Laureyn Youden |
Q2214 |
Laurie Burt |
Q6002 |
Laurie Clemont |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1006 |
Laurie Flynn |
Q2215 |
Lawrence Bradby |
Q99 |
Lawrence Weiner |
Q2216 |
Lawrence Zeegan |
Q324 |
Layla Bloom |
Q4407 |
Leah Capaldi |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4091 |
Leah Mackin |
Visual artist
Q3727 |
Lee Chun Fung |
artist and curator based in Hong Kong
Q4382 |
Lee Rourke |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2217 |
Leen Voet |
Q3432 |
Legacy Russell |
writer and curator
Q2218 |
Leigh Clarke |
Q4278 |
Leo Chadburn |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2219 |
Leo Fitzmaurice |
Q4373 |
Leo Powell |
contributor in the DAAP
Q276 |
Leonardo Scotti |
Q4424 |
Les Back |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2220 |
Lesley Foxcroft |
Q4464 |
Letty Mooring |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3729 |
Li Ding |
researcher from China
Q5973 |
Liadin Cooke |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1124 |
Liam Gillick |
Q2221 |
Liam Moore |
Q1331 |
Libia Castro |
Q2222 |
Lidia Pankow |
Q5514 |
Liliane Lijn |
Q372 |
Lilli Wilkinson Chambers |
A being
Q5723 |
Lily Frances |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q3211 |
Lily Hall |
Q219 |
Linda Stupart |
Q2223 |
Lindsay Seers |
Q950 |
Linsday Friend |
Q4419 |
Liquid Crystals |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5975 |
Lis Rhodes |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1367 |
Lisa Kirk |
Q2224 |
Lisa Le Feurve |
Q326 |
Lisa Le Feuvre |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3656 |
Lisa Mikulchik |
Q4299 |
Lisa Panting |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3670 |
Lisa Radon |
Q2225 |
Lisa Rosenblatt |
Q4445 |
Lisa Skuret |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5329 |
Lisa-Marie Harris |
Artist and Publisher
Q4372 |
Liv Taylor |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4311 |
Livia Pachu |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2226 |
Livia Paldi |
Q206 |
Liz Orton |
Elizabeth Orton
Q5802 |
Liz Sales |
Elizabeth Jane Sales
American artist, writer, and educator
Q4120 |
Liz Ward |
contributor in the DAAP
Q928 |
Lizzy Kane |
Q2227 |
Lizzy Rose |
Q322 |
Lobregat Balaguer |
Clara Balaguer, Clara Lobregat Balaguer
Filipino artist and designer
Q4403 |
Lodovico Pignatti-Morano |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2228 |
Logie Barrow |
Q455 |
Lola Laurence Coone |
Q314 |
Lolly Batty |
artist in the DAAP
Q2229 |
Lone Haugaard Madsen |
Q4324 |
Loren Goldner |
contributor in the DAAP
Q971 |
Lorenz Klingebiel |
Q2230 |
Lorenzo Giusti |
Q284 |
Lorenzo Lazzari |
Q288 |
Lorenzo Zavatta |
Q1023 |
Lotte Juul Petersen |
Q5721 |
Lou Collins |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q3238 |
Louisa Bailey |
Q2231 |
Louisa Green |
Q1144 |
Louisa Martin |
Q4507 |
Louise Camrass |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4452 |
Louise Chignac |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2232 |
Louise Naunton Morgan |
Q5963 |
Louise Neaderland |
contributor in the DAAP
Q967 |
Louise Shelley |
Q5246 |
Lozana Rossenova |
Lozana R. Mehandzhiyska, LR Mehandzhiyska, LRM
contributor in the DAAP
Q2233 |
Luca Cerizza |
Q2234 |
Lucas Ajemian |
Q2235 |
Lucas Hilderbrand |
Q2236 |
Lucas Lenglet |
Q2237 |
Lucas Liccini |
Q2238 |
Lucasz Biederman |
Q4339 |
Lucia Garavaglia |
contributor in the DAAP
Q113 |
Luciana Parisi |
Q3359 |
Lucie McLaughlin |
Belfast writer
Q3442 |
Lucie McLaughlin |
artist and writer
Q4293 |
Lucy Drane |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1564 |
Lucy Gunning |
The first ever comprehensive monograph of Lucy Gunning's work 1993–2006.
Q2239 |
Lucy Harrison |
Q2240 |
Lucy Hughes Biddle |
Q984 |
Lucy Lippard |
Q5429 |
Lucy McEachan |
Q4467 |
Lucy Powell |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2241 |
Lucy Steeds |
Q5743 |
Lucy Wilkinson |
Q2242 |
Lucy Woodhouse |
Q2243 |
Ludovica Gioscia |
Q1002 |
Ludovico Pignatti-Morano |
Q2244 |
Luigi Stavale |
Q6022 |
Luisa Lambri |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2245 |
Lukasz Ronduda |
Q1374 |
Lukasz Rusnica |
Q1284 |
Luke Banks |
Q4331 |
Luke Collins |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3240 |
Luke Skrebowski |
Q3277 |
Lundgren+Lindqvist |
Q2247 |
Luuk Kramer |
Q5715 |
Lydia Sviatoslavsky |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q1318 |
Lynda Morris |
Q5367 |
Lynnée Denise |
Q962 |
Lynton Talbot |
Q2248 |
M. Anthony Penwill |
Q1338 |
Maciek Lizak |
Q4509 |
Madeline Wee |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5795 |
Magali Duzant |
American artist and writer
Q930 |
Magda Fabianczyk |
Q4455 |
Magda Pencikova |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2249 |
Magda Szczesniak |
Q5318 |
Magda Tyzlik-Carver |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4440 |
Maik Schlüter |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2250 |
Makin Jan Ma |
Q2251 |
Malcolm Quinn |
Q4521 |
Malgorzata Buchalik |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2252 |
Malgorzata Niezabitowska |
Q957 |
Mali Clements |
Q1274 |
Malin Stahl |
Q1329 |
Manabu Matsushita |
Q2253 |
Mandie Beuzaval |
Q5309 |
Mandisa Apena |
poet and artist based in Croydon
Q968 |
Manu Luksch |
Q3624 |
Manuela Barczewski |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5614 |
Manuela Porceddu |
graphic designer
Q478 |
Mara Lee |
Maria Lee Gerdén
Mara Lee is a Swedish author and translator.
Q4088 |
Marc Fischer |
Q4345 |
Marc Horne |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4232 |
Marc Roig Blesa |
contributor in the DAAP
Q951 |
Marcin Dudek |
Q237 |
Marco Fasolini |
graphic designer
Q4353 |
Marco Mazzoni |
contributor in the DAAP
Q996 |
Marco Scotini |
Q5992 |
Marenka Gabeler |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2256 |
Maria Alicata |
Q1152 |
Maria Beddoes |
Q5486 |
Maria Farrar |
Q2257 |
Maria Fusco |
contributor in the DAAP
Q338 |
Maria Inês Cruz |
Q3464 |
Maria Khatchadourian |
Q1360 |
Maria Narewska |
Q921 |
Maria Theodoraki |
Q6036 |
Maria Villalba i Badia |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2258 |
Maria Walsh |
Q5469 |
Maria de Lima |
Q3220 |
Marialaura Ghidini |
Q4312 |
Marianne Forrest |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2259 |
Marianne Mueller |
Q291 |
Mariano Martin |
Q4350 |
Maribeth Keane |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4436 |
Marie Yates |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6029 |
Marie-Ange Guilleminot |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4246 |
Marie-Anne McQuay |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5875 |
Marieke van Eijk |
cultural theorist
Q2260 |
Mariette Dolle |
Q3664 |
Marilyn Wood |
Q3478 |
Marina Vishmidt |
Q4479 |
Mario Mainetti |
contributor in the DAAP
Q958 |
Marion Guerineau |
Q2261 |
Marion van Wijk |
Q2262 |
Marita Gleiss |
Q5959 |
Marja Samsom |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2263 |
Marjolijn Dijkman |
Q5864 |
Marjolijn Kok |
Q4327 |
Mark Beasly |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1170 |
Mark Darbyshire |
Q4485 |
Mark Hanson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3252 |
Mark Hurrell |
Q2264 |
Mark Hutchinson |
Q1277 |
Mark Jackson |
Q2265 |
Mark Lewis |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2266 |
Mark Pawson |
Q5650 |
Mark Pilkington |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q2267 |
Mark Thomson |
Q1351 |
Mark Titchner |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3691 |
Mark Wallace |
Q1171 |
Mark Waugh |
Q2268 |
Marki Maetamm |
Q2269 |
Markus Thor Andresson |
Q2270 |
Markus Weisbeck |
Q4458 |
Marleen Boschen |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6017 |
Marlene Streeruwitz |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1283 |
Marquard Smith |
Q2271 |
Marshall McLuhan |
Q4461 |
Martha Rosler |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2272 |
Marti Manen |
Q1127 |
Martin Bax |
Q1126 |
Martin Bax |
Q1119 |
Martin Beck |
Q4242 |
Martin Clark |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5415 |
Martin Herbert |
Associate Editor at Art Review
Q2274 |
Martin John Callanan |
Q4132 |
Martin Newth |
contributor in the DAAP
Q926 |
Martin Westwood |
Q330 |
Martine Syms |
Q4074 |
Martine Syms |
Q4309 |
Martino Mardersteig |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3655 |
Mary Lucier |
Q1369 |
Mary Wachs |
Q2275 |
Maryna Tomaszewska |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5884 |
María Palacios Cruz |
Q6345 |
Mason Terrill |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q192 |
Massimo Grimaldi |
Q4433 |
Mat Humphrey |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5247 |
Mateo Dineen |
Mateo Dineen illustrator
contributor in the DAAP
Q4504 |
Mateus Domingos |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4515 |
Mateusz Sadowski |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1130 |
Mathieu Copeland |
Q2276 |
Matt Copson |
Q6397 |
Matt Feldman |
Q2277 |
Matt Hale |
Q5442 |
Matt Hinkley |
Q918 |
Matt Packer |
Q976 |
Matt Williams |
Q2278 |
Matteo Marangoni |
Q1282 |
Matthew Breen |
Q4388 |
Matthew Cornford |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2279 |
Matthew Hollow |
Q1008 |
Matthew Noel-Tod |
Q2280 |
Matthew Poole |
Q4269 |
Matthew Stock |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2281 |
Matthew Thompson |
Q1579 |
Matthew Tickle |
This bookwork offers another viewing of Matthew Tickle’s sculptural installation Idyll, that was commissioned for Matt’s Gallery in 1999.
Q3309 |
Mattia Lullini |
artist and gallerist
Q2282 |
Maurice Carlin |
Q270 |
Maurizio Cattelan |
Italian artist, born 1960
Q4081 |
Maurizio Nannucci |
Q2283 |
Max Prediger |
Q2284 |
Max Reeves |
Q2285 |
Maxi Kim |
Q4196 |
Maxwell Harrrison |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5977 |
May Stevens |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5719 |
Meech Boakye |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q5759 |
Megan Nolan |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q2286 |
Megan Rooney |
Q3376 |
Megan Snowe |
Q4438 |
Mel Bochner |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2287 |
Mel Evans |
Q2288 |
Melanie Counsell |
Q3383 |
Melanie Jackson |
Q2289 |
Melissa Canbaz |
Q994 |
Melissa Gronlund |
Q1014 |
Melissa Larner |
Q4404 |
Merve Kaptan |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3270 |
Micah Lexier |
Q2290 |
Michael Archer |
Q5948 |
Michael Birchall |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2291 |
Michael Bussaer |
Q4277 |
Michael Corris |
contributor in the DAAP
Q130 |
Michael Curran |
Q1136 |
Michael E. Hoffman |
Q2292 |
Michael Garner |
Q1159 |
Michael Hampton |
Q4401 |
Michael Harvey |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2293 |
Michael Newman |
Q2294 |
Michael Richardson |
Q3605 |
Michael Rosen |
Q4374 |
Michael Stubbs |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1361 |
Michal Grzegorzek |
Q2295 |
Michal Libera |
Q2296 |
Michal Lichtanski |
Q5531 |
Michalis Pichler |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q4481 |
Michel Saint-Denis (and the London Theatre Studio) |
contributor in the DAAP
Q286 |
Michela Natella |
Q2297 |
Michele Robecchi |
Q4225 |
Michelle Coton |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6038 |
Michelle Grabner |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4227 |
Michelle Souter |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4332 |
Mickey Mallet |
contributor in the DAAP
Q272 |
Micol Talso |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4219 |
Miekal And |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3660 |
Mieko Shiomi |
Q4457 |
Miguel Trancozo |
contributor in the DAAP
Q210 |
Mijke van der Drift |
Q1586 |
Mike Bouchet |
Published on the occasion of the exhibition Migratory Lines, 5 - 19 June, 2013, at Broadcast Gallery.
Q1301 |
Mike Foreman |
Q2298 |
Mike Leggett |
Q4321 |
Mike Metz |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2299 |
Mike Nelson |
Q4152 |
Mike Silva |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1012 |
Mike Sperlinger |
Q4475 |
Mikyung Son |
contributor in the DAAP
Q391 |
Milagros Bedoya |
Q3600 |
Milly Thompson |
Q4463 |
Milly Thompson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5851 |
Ming Lin |
artist, editor
Q3572 |
Mira Mattar |
Q3564 |
Miri Davidson |
Q1368 |
Miria Swain |
Q5980 |
Miriam Sharon |
contributor in the DAAP
Q157 |
Mirja Valkeasuo |
Q5866 |
Mirjam van Westen |
Q1308 |
Mister Trippy |
Q5974 |
Miyako Bellizzi |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2300 |
Mladen Petrov |
Q2301 |
Mo Throp |
Q2302 |
Modern Activity |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6032 |
Monica Ross |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5371 |
Monika Kalinauskaite |
Q2303 |
Monika Pasiecznik |
Q2304 |
Monika Zawadzki |
Q2305 |
Monique Jansen |
Q2306 |
Monique Janson |
Q5681 |
Mother of Pearl |
luxury sustainable womenswear brand based in London
Q5956 |
Muirne Kate Dineen |
contributor in the DAAP
Q969 |
Mukul Patel |
Q3681 |
Murray J Ferguson |
Q2307 |
Mylinh Trieu Nguyen |
Q4516 |
Myrta Bugini |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5653 |
Mátyás Czél |
Contributor to the DAAP
Q5734 |
Nadia Choucha |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q4456 |
Nadia Cortés |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5996 |
Nadine Etkes |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3536 |
Nandini Moitra |
Q2308 |
Nanette Hoogslag |
Q1146 |
NaoKo TakaHashi |
Q4226 |
Naomi Campbell |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4442 |
Naomi Pearce |
Writer and curator
Q411 |
Naomi Zack |
Philosophy professor
Q3486 |
Nasri Shah |
Q204 |
Nat Raha |
Q5487 |
Natasha Bird |
Q5332 |
Natasha Denezhkina Campbell |
Denezhkina, Natasha Campbell
A designer in the DAAP collection
Q1026 |
Nathaniel Mellors |
Q5873 |
Navid Nuur |
Q3248 |
Navine G. Khan-Dossos |
Artist living and working in London and Athens.
Q397 |
Nazanin Rahami |
Q2310 |
Neal White |
Q4136 |
Neil Boorman |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2311 |
Neil Chapman |
Q2312 |
Nellie Eden |
Q3487 |
New Noveta |
Q4181 |
Nicholas Bourriaud |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5540 |
Nicholas Cheveldave |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q4503 |
Nicholas Mangan |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4124 |
Nicholas Smith |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2313 |
Nick Bell |
Q2314 |
Nick Davies |
Q1279 |
Nick Jordan |
Q2315 |
Nick Kimberley |
Q5714 |
Nick Lynch |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q1303 |
Nick Thurston |
Q129 |
Nick Zedd |
Q6334 |
Nicky Coutt Broekman |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3632 |
Nicola Pellegrini |
Q4470 |
Nicolas Vieillescazes |
contributor in the DAAP
Q932 |
Nicole Bachmann |
Q5470 |
Nicole Morris |
Q4462 |
Nicole Wermers |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1323 |
Nicoletta Lambertucci |
Q4522 |
Nikita Kuznetsov |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4316 |
Nikola Doll |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3338 |
Nikolaus Hirsch |
Editor of Don't Follow the Wind
Q2316 |
Nils Norman |
Q5983 |
Nina Hartmann |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5607 |
Nina Hoechtl |
Höchtl I Hoechtel I Hochtl I Hoctl I Nina Höchtl I Nina Hoechtl I Nina Hoechtel I Nina Hochtl I Nina Hoctl
artist, researcher, writer, editor, educator, curator
Q997 |
Nina Power |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3423 |
Nina Wakeford |
Q2317 |
Noel Douglas |
Q2318 |
Noel Forster |
Q5986 |
Noelle Griffiths |
contributor in the DAAP
Q442 |
Nooshin Farhid |
Q3410 |
Nora Khan |
Q3684 |
Norrie Millar |
Q5364 |
Ntiense Eno Amooquaye |
Q2319 |
Nudna Fotgrafia |
Q1120 |
Nuria Enguita Mayo |
Q3648 |
Nye Ffarrabas |
Q4529 |
OLIS Oleh Diakon |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3417 |
an art collective and biannual publication run by Heiba Lamara, Sofia Niazi and Rose Nordin
Q4488 |
Oana Avasilichioael |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2510 |
Off Modern |
artist collective
Q3360 |
Ojo Taiye |
Nigerian poet
Q923 |
Oksana Pattison |
Q2320 |
Olaf Kneer |
Q1355 |
Olafur Olafsson |
Q4446 |
Ole Hagan |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4523 |
Olga Maziarska |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2321 |
Oli Johns |
Q2322 |
Oliver Bradbury |
Q4187 |
Oliver Kossack |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4236 |
Oliver Price |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4405 |
Oliver Rees |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5641 |
Oliver Zarandi |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q6048 |
Olivia Plender |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4347 |
Olivier Castell |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2323 |
Olivier Richon |
Q2324 |
Omer Yuseker |
Q173 |
Ondine |
Robert Olivo
Q5488 |
Onyeka Igwe |
Q6030 |
Oona Grimes |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1642 |
Open File |
Temporary sites (A proposal); a collection of three publications were produced on the occasion of a series of events curated by Open File at MK Gallery
Q2326 |
Oreet Ashery |
Q5400 |
Orion J. Facey |
Q3409 |
Ott Metusala |
Q3633 |
Ottonella Mocellin |
Q5389 |
PSS Press |
Q4114 |
Paavo Matsin |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1276 |
Pablo Lafuente |
Q2327 |
Pablo León de la Barra |
Q2328 |
Pablo Pellegrin |
Q4197 |
Palo Fabus |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6005 |
Pat Hodson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5966 |
Patricia Collins |
contributor in the DAAP
Q925 |
Patrick Coyle |
Q4146 |
Patrick Goddard |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2329 |
Patrick Langley |
Q4391 |
Pauk Crump |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2330 |
Paul Abbott |
Q176 |
Paul America |
Lucky L, Paul, Paul Johnson
Q998 |
Paul Buck |
Q5758 |
Paul Clinton |
Fanny Paul Clinton
Q4279 |
Paul Crook |
contributor in the DAAP
Q154 |
Paul Eachus |
Q4137 |
Paul Haworth |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2331 |
Paul Holman |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1297 |
Paul Khera |
Q952 |
Paul Kuzemczak |
Q4218 |
Paul Mason |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2332 |
Paul McAree |
Q2333 |
Paul Micklethwaite |
Q3685 |
Paul Milne |
contributor in the DAAP
Q175 |
Paul Morrissey |
P.Morrissey, Paul
film director
Q2334 |
Paul Noble |
Q2335 |
Paul Prudence |
Q2336 |
Paul Rooney |
Q5617 |
Paula Bruna |
Q216 |
Paula Tsai |
Q6331 |
Pauline Lorenz Boudry |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3658 |
Pauline Oliveros |
Q6333 |
Pauline van Mourik |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4253 |
Pauline van Mourik Broekman |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4411 |
Paulus Dreibholz |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2337 |
Paulus M. Dreibholz |
Q2338 |
Pawel Chojecki |
Q2339 |
Pawel Kubara |
Q2340 |
Pawel Lisiak |
Q3710 |
Pearl Law |
Hong Kong-based illustrator and zine-maker
Q979 |
Pedro Cid Proenca |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2341 |
Penelope Curtis |
Q3482 |
Penny Goring |
Q2342 |
Pete Owen |
Q2343 |
Peter Abrahams |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1281 |
Peter Blake |
Q2344 |
Peter Bonnell |
Q2345 |
Peter Cook |
Q3566 |
Peter Ely |
Q5798 |
Peter Happel Christian |
American artist
Q445 |
Peter Lewis |
artist and curator
Q2346 |
Peter Mayer |
Q2347 |
Peter Pavement |
Q4393 |
Peter Russo |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5874 |
Peter Verstraten |
cultural theorist
Q993 |
Petra Bauer |
Q2348 |
Petra Fieuws |
Q133 |
Phil Baines |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4355 |
Phil Jones |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5730 |
Phil Legard |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q2349 |
Phil Stevens |
Q4434 |
Philip Van den Bossche |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1657 |
Philipp Gufler |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4421 |
Phillip Cribb |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4409 |
Phillip Lai |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2350 |
Phillipe Starck |
Q2351 |
Philomena Epps |
Q2352 |
Phoebe Blatton |
Q946 |
Pier Paolo Coro |
contributor in the DAAP
Q271 |
Pierpaolo Ferrari |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4450 |
Piers Alsop |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2353 |
Pieternel Vermoortel |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4514 |
Piotr Bosacki |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2354 |
Pip Thompson |
Q4247 |
Pippa Oldfield |
contributor in the DAAP
Q444 |
Plastique Fantastique |
art group
Q2355 |
Prayas Abhinav |
Q4398 |
Preston Heller |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5717 |
Priyanuj |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q5280 |
Publication Studio Rotterdam |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5419 |
Pádraic E. Moore |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q3535 |
Queer Masala |
Q3457 |
Qusai Al Saify |
Q2356 |
Rachel Cattle |
Q6043 |
Rachel Higgins |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4306 |
Rachel Ichniowski |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4314 |
Rachel Kent |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3391 |
Rachel Valinsky |
Q2357 |
Rachel Withers |
Q394 |
Rachel Yalisove |
Iva Yos
Q2358 |
Ragnar Kjartansson |
Q2359 |
Raimi Gbadamosi |
Q2784 |
Raisa Kabir |
Q66 |
Raju Rage |
Visual artist, Educator, Activist
Q1359 |
Ralf Schauff |
Q2360 |
Ralph Dorey |
Q3576 |
Ralph Pritchard |
Q2361 |
Raoul Colvile |
Q5489 |
Rebecca Ackroyd |
Q2362 |
Rebecca Bligh |
Q4149 |
Rebecca Field |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4365 |
Rebecca Gordon-Nesbitt |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4490 |
Rebecca Jagoe |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1366 |
Rebecca Kressley |
Q1013 |
Rebecca Lewin |
Q5984 |
Rebecca Miller |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1293 |
Rebecca Wilson |
Q2363 |
Rebecca Wood |
Q6346 |
Rebekah Taylor |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q142 |
Redstockings Copenhagen |
Left wing Danish feminist movement
Q5391 |
Rehana Zaman |
Q6332 |
Renate Lorenz Boudry |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2364 |
Renke Brandt |
Q4287 |
Rich Hall |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2365 |
Richard Birkett |
Q2366 |
Richard Cochrane |
Q2367 |
Richard Deming |
Q2368 |
Richard Grayson |
Q982 |
Richard Hollis |
Q4517 |
Richard Phillip |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3770 |
Richard Prince |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2369 |
Richard Riley |
Q4443 |
Richard Sides |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1322 |
Richard Whitby |
Q4133 |
Richard Wilson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3642 |
Rick Myers |
Q2370 |
Rick Oginz |
Q4351 |
Rieke Jordan |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1352 |
Rio Branco |
Q5863 |
Risk Hazekamp |
Q4262 |
Rita Canareza |
contributor in the DAAP
Q944 |
Rita Canarezza |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3251 |
Rob Faure-Walker |
Q3607 |
Rob Mullender-Ross |
Q447 |
Rob Voerman |
Q95 |
Robert Barry |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2371 |
Robert Creeley |
Q2372 |
Robert Dellar |
Q5733 |
Robert J. Wallis |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q4486 |
Robert Johnston |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2373 |
Robert Kudielka |
Q98 |
Robert Morris |
Q4356 |
Robert Wilson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2374 |
Robert Zydel |
Q5971 |
Roberta M. Graham |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4171 |
Roberto Daolio |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2375 |
Roberts Busnelli |
Q943 |
Robin Kirkham |
Q2376 |
Robin Klassnik |
contributor in the DAAP
Q138 |
Robt. Williams |
Robert L. Williams, Robert Williams
Q132 |
Rodrigo Zarate |
Q2377 |
Roger Ackling |
Q985 |
Roger Laporte |
Q2378 |
Roger Milne |
Q4337 |
Rogier Delfos |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2379 |
Rol& BRtz |
Q2380 |
Roland Albrecht |
Q2381 |
Roland Barthes |
Q2382 |
Roman Vasseur |
Q4217 |
Ron Hanson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6034 |
Roni Horn |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2383 |
Rosa Farkas |
Q124 |
Rosaleigh Harvey-Otway |
Q2384 |
Rosalie Schweiker |
Q1326 |
Rosalind Horne |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2385 |
Rosanna Motz |
Q5964 |
Rose Frain |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2386 |
Rose Gibbs |
Q3212 |
Rose Nordin |
Q2387 |
Rose Rowson |
Q6031 |
Rosemarie Trockel |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1342 |
Rosie Cooper |
Q123 |
Rosie Reed Gold |
artist, photographer, curator
Q2388 |
Rosie Wanek |
Q5978 |
Rossetta Woolf |
contributor in the DAAP
Q178 |
Rotten Rita |
Kenneth Rapp, The Mayor
Denizen of The Factory
Q5385 |
Rowan Powell |
editor and researcher
Q4108 |
Rowena Harris |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2389 |
Roy Ascott |
Q4368 |
Roy Pennington |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2390 |
Rozsa Farkas |
Q2785 |
Rudy Loewe |
Q189 |
Rut Blees Luxemburg |
Q3644 |
Ruth Anderson |
Q1005 |
Ruth Gregory |
Q3275 |
Ryan Gander |
Q202 |
Ryan Trecartin |
Trecartin, R.Trecartin
Q3474 |
Rózsa Farkas |
Q2391 |
S. E.Barnet |
Q4256 |
SA|M|AEL (Samuel Bonnet & Mael Fournier-Compte) |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5895 |
Sekretariat für Geister, Archivpoliktien und Lücken, Secretariat for Ghosts, Archival Politics and Gaps
Through artistic means, the Secretariat for Ghosts, Archival Politics and Gaps (Sekretariat für Geister Archivpolitiken und Lücken, SKGAL) deals with archival politics and historiography, particularly embedding feminist and decolonising perspectives.
Q3463 |
Sabaa Rjoub |
Q3534 |
Sabba Khan |
Q231 |
Sabeen Chaudhry |
Q1372 |
Sabrina Aaronovitch |
Q4359 |
Sabrina Locks |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6335 |
Sacha Craddock |
contributor in the DAAP
Q396 |
Sadie Edginton |
Q2392 |
Sadie Kerr |
Q3519 |
Sae Honda |
Q3294 |
Said Adrus |
Visual Artist
Q5254 |
Saira Ansari |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q5954 |
Sally Alatalo |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5972 |
Sally Leach |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1287 |
Sally O'Reilly |
Q6055 |
Sally Osborn |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2393 |
Sally-Ginger Brockbank |
Q4145 |
Salmo Salar |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2394 |
Sam Baldwin |
Q2395 |
Sam Basu |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2396 |
Sam Curtis |
Q4251 |
Sam De Groot |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3570 |
Sam Keogh |
Q3689 |
Sam Spreckley |
Q2397 |
Sam Wilkes |
Q1319 |
Sara De Bondt |
Q4435 |
Sara De Bondt Studio |
contributor in the DAAP
Q193 |
Sara MacKillop |
Q2398 |
Sara Nilsson |
Q2399 |
Sara Wookey |
Q2400 |
Sarah Carne |
Q5511 |
Sarah Carne |
Q4166 |
Sarah Charlesworth |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2401 |
Sarah Coulson |
Q4271 |
Sarah Dobai |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2403 |
Sarah E. Melville |
Q277 |
Sarah Grittini |
Q1289 |
Sarah Jury |
Q1340 |
Sarah Robayo Sheridan |
Q4358 |
Sarah Sea |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6024 |
Sarah Taylor |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4139 |
Sarah Thelwall |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2402 |
Sarah den Kinken |
Q2404 |
Sarah-Jane Jaeggi |
Q3647 |
Sari Dienes |
Q4491 |
Sasha Jackson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4474 |
Sasha Litvintseva |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4292 |
Saskia Fischer |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2405 |
Satu-Maria Jokinen |
Q5810 |
Sayler/Morris |
American artist duo
Q2406 |
Scott Mason |
Q3680 |
Sean Duffield |
Q2407 |
Sean Edwards |
Q2408 |
Sebastian Cichoki |
Q2410 |
Sebastian Hanekroot |
Q287 |
Sebastino Mastroeni |
Q2411 |
Seekers of lice |
Q100 |
Seth Siegelaub |
Q4157 |
Shaan Syed |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3456 |
Shada Mustafa |
Q448 |
Shaheen Merali |
curator, artist and writer
Q2412 |
Shahin Afrassiabi |
Q5629 |
Shama Khanna |
Khama, Khana, Shamma, Sharma
Writer, Curator, Editor, Artist, Educator
Q390 |
Shamma Al Amri |
Q2413 |
Shana Moulton |
Q3683 |
Shane Levene |
Q3697 |
Shannon Ebner |
Q5893 |
Shanzhai Lyric |
Poetic research unit
Q51 |
Sharon Kivland |
Q5987 |
Sharron Demarest |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3454 |
Shayma Nader |
Q6000 |
Shelley Hoyt |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3213 |
Sherwin Tija |
Q6396 |
Shirine Shah |
Q72 |
Shu Lea Cheang |
Q2414 |
Sian Milliner |
Q54 |
Sigmund Freud |
Q5910 |
Silvia Bombardini |
Silvia Bombardini is a London-based writer and occasional film curator, a PhD researcher at Goldsmiths University, and an Associate Lecturer.
Q221 |
Silvia Casini |
Q5618 |
Silvia Renda |
Q294 |
Silvio Banfi |
Q3599 |
Simon Bedwell |
Q1148 |
Simon Biggs |
Q2415 |
Simon Bloor |
Q2416 |
Simon Casier |
Q3232 |
Simon Davies |
Q2418 |
Simon Ford |
Q3604 |
Simon Grant |
Q393 |
Simon Josebury |
Secondary Modern
Q4170 |
Simon Lewandowski |
contributor in the DAAP
Q457 |
Simon O'Sullivan |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4128 |
Simon Patterson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2506 |
Simon Pittuck |
Q2419 |
Simon Taylor |
Q3649 |
Simone Forti |
Q68 |
Sin Wai Kin |
(fka) Victoria Sin
Q4500 |
Sinead Bracken |
contributor in the DAAP
Q403 |
Sing Hang Tam |
Q3690 |
Skint Richie |
Q2420 |
Slim Salt |
Q5528 |
Smin Smith |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q406 |
Sofya Chibisguleva |
Q97 |
Sol LeWitt |
Q4191 |
Soledad Garcia-Saavedra |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5517 |
Sonia Lenzi |
Q2421 |
Sonja Stender |
Q4264 |
Sonya Dyer |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3503 |
Sophia Al-Maria |
Q3563 |
Sophie Carapetian |
Q2422 |
Sophie Collins |
Q4489 |
Sophie Demay |
contributor in the DAAP
Q929 |
Sophie Hoyle |
Q4215 |
Sophie Jump |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5747 |
Sophie Jung |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q5524 |
Sophie Seita |
Q2423 |
Sovay Berriman |
Q74 |
Special Tears |
a collaboration between dove/Christopher Kirubi and Cassandre Greenberg
Q5764 |
Stanislava Stoilova |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q6347 |
Stefan Szczelkun |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q4417 |
Stefano Cernuschi |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2424 |
Steinar Sekkingstad |
Q4340 |
Stella Sideli |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2425 |
Stephanie James |
Q4330 |
Stephanie Poirier |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4336 |
Stephen Bloe |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4237 |
Stephen Bury |
contributor in the DAAP
Q975 |
Stephen Christian |
Q2426 |
Stephen Crane |
Q174 |
Stephen Shore |
S.Shore, Steve
American photographer
Q333 |
Stephen Willats |
Q2427 |
Steve Dutton |
Q1333 |
Steve Fletcher |
Q2428 |
Steve Hawley |
Q4383 |
Steve Moore |
contributor in the DAAP
Q446 |
Steve Reinke |
video artist and filmmaker.
Q2429 |
Steve Richards |
Q4148 |
Steve Thomas |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4284 |
Steve White |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2430 |
Steven Ball |
contributor in the DAAP
Q449 |
Steven Claydon |
Q1166 |
Stewart Home |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5639 |
Sticky Fingers Publishing |
Publisher based in London, UK
Q5495 |
Stinsensqueeze |
A graphic design studio, founded by Stina Pariente Gromark and Louise Naunton Morgan, based in London & Paris.
Q3554 |
Strofka |
Q4496 |
Stuart McAdam |
contributor in the DAAP
Q233 |
Studio Mousse |
Mousse Publishing
contributor in the DAAP
Q2431 |
Studio Tonne |
Q2432 |
Sturtevant |
Q6052 |
Su Blackwell |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2433 |
Sue Ormerod |
Q4406 |
Sue Tompkins |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6026 |
Suky Best |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4263 |
Super A |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4172 |
Susan Hiller |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5507 |
Susan Johanknecht |
Q6044 |
Susan Taylor |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4319 |
Susanna Davies-Crook |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5808 |
Susannah Sayler |
American photographer
Q2434 |
Susannah Worth |
Q2435 |
Susie Simmons |
Q4313 |
Suzanne Cotter |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5608 |
Suzanne van Rossenberg |
Suzanne Rossenberg I Suzanne von Rossenberg I Susanne von Rossenberg
editor, artist
Q2436 |
Sven Vabar |
Q3484 |
Svenja Bromberg |
Q5958 |
Svetlana Kopystiansky |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1007 |
Syd Shelton |
Q4134 |
Sylvere Lotringer |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5519 |
Symrath Patti |
Q2437 |
Szymon Roginski |
Q2438 |
T. J. Demos |
Q410 |
Ta-Nehisi Coates |
American writer and journalist
Q5521 |
Tahani Nadim |
Q2439 |
Taisuke Koyama |
Q3659 |
Takako Saito |
Q2440 |
Tamarin Norwood |
Q5998 |
Tamarra Kaida |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2441 |
Tamsin Clark |
Q4260 |
Tamsin Devereux |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1341 |
Tania Stern |
Q2442 |
Tanya Singh |
Q5799 |
Tanyth Berkeley |
American artist
Q2443 |
Tara Kelton |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4275 |
Tara McDowell |
contributor in the DAAP
Q75 |
Taylor Le Melle |
artist and co-founder of PSS
Q2444 |
Ted Curtis |
Q5498 |
Telfer Stokes |
Q5995 |
Telfer Stokes |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4086 |
Temporary Services |
Brett Bloom, Marc Fischer
Arts collective
Q3608 |
Tenant of Culture |
the name for Hendrickje Schimmel’s artistic practice
Q3591 |
Tenzing Barshee |
Q1294 |
Terence Kirkbridge |
Q2445 |
Terry Atkinson |
Q3224 |
Tessy Thomas |
graphic designer
Q3861 |
The Children of Jalun |
A work by Andrew Hunt, The Children of Jalun
Q4380 |
The Committee for Radical Diplomacy/Micropolitics Research Group: Emma Leach and Yara El Sherbini |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2446 |
The Future |
Q4502 |
The Institute for Figuring |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1154 |
The Last Gallery |
Q3250 |
The Showroom |
Q5448 |
The White Pube |
White Pube
Collaborative identity from which Gabrielle de la Puente and Zarina Muhammad write
Q2509 |
The Wine and Cheese Appreciation Society of Greater London/Kittens Editorial Collective |
artist collective
Q2448 |
Theo Gordon |
Q4444 |
Thilo Kuehne |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4301 |
Thom O'Nions |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4285 |
Thom Winterburn |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1343 |
Thomas Bush |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2449 |
Thomas Chuckle |
Q5760 |
Thomas Cuckle |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q2450 |
Thomas Kratz |
Q2451 |
Thomas Lawson |
Q2452 |
Thomas Morgan Evans |
Q2453 |
Thomas Siemon |
Q2454 |
Tian Meng |
Q4067 |
Tiffany Sia |
Q4289 |
Tim Head |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2455 |
Tim Machin |
Q317 |
Tim Rollins |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4305 |
Tim Thornton |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2456 |
Tini Kigle |
Q2457 |
Titus Kroder |
Q3562 |
Toby Bull |
Q3412 |
Toke Lykkeberg |
Q3560 |
Tom Allen |
Q4282 |
Tom Benson |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2458 |
Tom Bloor |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2459 |
Tom Clark |
Q5674 |
Tom McCarthy |
Q5757 |
Tom Morton |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q4156 |
Tom Trevatt |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4189 |
Ton de Munck |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4141 |
Tora Endestad Bjørkheim |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6028 |
Tracey Moffatt |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6012 |
Tracy Mackenna |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4432 |
Trevor Lock |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2460 |
Triin Tamm |
Q2461 |
Troels Faber |
Q2462 |
Troy Rhoades |
Q2463 |
Tuija Aalto-Setala |
Q1336 |
Tuuli Aule Tolkija |
contributor in the DAAP
Q963 |
Tyler Coburn |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4261 |
Udo Kittelmann |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4075 |
Ulises |
bookshop and project space dedicated to artists’ books and independent art publications
Q5366 |
Uma Breakdown |
Q933 |
Una Knox |
Q5264 |
Uns Kattan |
Head of Learning and Research at Jameel Arts Centre
Q4238 |
V. Vale |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2464 |
Valdur Mikita |
Q280 |
Valeria Di Renzo |
Q4431 |
Valerie Solanas |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2465 |
Valle Walkley |
Q4303 |
Vanda Playford |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2466 |
Vanessa Billy |
Q4471 |
Vanessa Desclaux |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5308 |
Vanessa Page |
Q2467 |
Vassoula Vasiliou |
Q2468 |
Veenman Drukkers |
Q920 |
Venia Vergou |
Q3411 |
Venus Lau |
Q5865 |
Verena Kuni |
art historian and media theorist
Q4221 |
Victor Burgin |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2469 |
Victoria Bufton |
Q3539 |
Vijeta Kumar |
Q2470 |
Vincent Meessen |
Q4138 |
Vincent Normand |
contributor in the DAAP
Q205 |
Vincenzo de Bellis |
Q3221 |
Vivek Chockalingam |
Q2472 |
Viviana Checchia |
Q3571 |
Vlada Maria |
Q922 |
Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky |
Q5990 |
Volker Eichelmann |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2473 |
W. Terrence Gordon |
Q3541 |
WAH! Womxn Artists of Colour. |
Q4111 |
Waldemar Pranckiewicz |
contributor in the DAAP
Q3980 |
Walter Benjamin |
A work by Walter Benjamin, Nikola Doll, Katrin Sauerlander, Coredlia Marten
Q3650 |
Wendy Greenberg |
Q2474 |
Wendy Schoen |
Q2475 |
Werner Hofmann |
Q4298 |
Werner Meyer |
contributor in the DAAP
Q412 |
Werner Sollors |
Professor of African-American Studies
Q5713 |
Wes Knowler |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q2476 |
White Room Press |
Q215 |
Wiebke Leister |
Q2477 |
Wilfred J. Jones |
Q2478 |
Wilfried Huet |
Q4193 |
Will Alsop |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5769 |
Will Conway |
Contributor in the DAAP
Q4265 |
Will Shutes |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2479 |
Willem Stratmann |
Q2480 |
Willem Weismann |
Q2481 |
William Allen |
Q4140 |
William Borroughs |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1310 |
William Cobbing |
Q2482 |
William Fowler |
Q2483 |
William Hunt |
Q4360 |
William Kherbek |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4201 |
William Makepeace Thackeray |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4248 |
William T. Stearn |
contributor in the DAAP
Q413 |
Winona LaDuke |
American environmentalist, economist, and writer
Q4512 |
Wojciech Bąkowski |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4144 |
Wojciech Kosma |
contributor in the DAAP
Q468 |
Wolf Vostell |
German Artist, known for his work with Fluxus.
Q6056 |
Women a Studio Workshop |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2484 |
Woodrow Phoenix |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1163 |
Wyndham Lewis |
Q2486 |
Xu Jianqiang |
Q3538 |
YSK Prerana |
Q67 |
Yanili Dream |
Q2487 |
Yanyan |
Q4379 |
Yara El Sherbini |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5965 |
Yoko Ono |
contributor in the DAAP
Q6398 |
Yuhong Wang |
Q2488 |
Yuri Patterson |
Q924 |
Yuri Pattison |
contributor in the DAAP
Q2489 |
Yve Lomax |
Q4165 |
Yves Klein |
contributor in the DAAP
Q79 |
Zadie Xa |
Q1015 |
Zak Group |
Q2490 |
Zak Kyes |
Q5330 |
Zarifah A Zamri |
Zarifah A. Zamri
An artist in the DAAP
Q3537 |
Zarina Muhammad |
Q3556 |
Zaza Zaza |
Q2491 |
Zinzan & Wilkinson |
Q5343 |
Zoe Quentel |
Zoe Quentel is a graphic designer and an art director
Q4513 |
Zuzanna Bartoszek |
contributor in the DAAP
Q4122 |
[Oli] |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1314 |
abake |
Q4116 |
c: |
contributor in the DAAP
Q5387 |
dove/Christopher Kirubi |
Chris Kirubi, Christopher Kirubi, dove
Artist, Writer
Q13 |
editor |
person who edits texts or publications
Q1162 |
flip book |
flicker book, flipbook
Q5300 |
honor ash |
An artist living and working in Norwich, England
Q3629 |
idonthaveyourmarbles |
Q4300 | |
contributor in the DAAP
Q1137 |
unknown |
Q2485 |
work-form |
design studio
Q4454 |
Ásdís Hermanowicz |
contributor in the DAAP